Why Airtasker sucks for businesses

Alphesda Interactive | Amir
6 min readJan 17, 2021


Airtasker and many similar task and gig related websites such as Fiverr, Upwork etc are designed to create an environment where freelancers and businesses can find clients faster and to give potential clients a peace of mind that their money is in safe hands if any problems occur. However, this is where all the good things end before they event start. This review is not based on biased point of view or a hate letter but simply my concerns over how platforms such as these create more problems long term that they solve. There is indeed a place for them but it subjectively going to a more darker path. Regardless of wether I say I’m subjective and unbiased, I merely present the facts, but it’s up to you to agree or disagree. I would highly appreciate it if you could join the conversation by letting me know what you think of them.

The need for hiring talent for a task/gig

People have ideas, todos, and whatever else you can think of. They either don’t have the time or lack the skills. Other people with skills are looking for platforms and avenues to find clients to fill the need and provided their services. This is a no brainer, so other businesses such as Upwork, Airtasker, Fiverr, etc, create platforms to connect people with people. It’s just like Uber where it connects people with other…

