God is the Ultimate Business Being: Why Goodness and Righteousness Are Key to Flourishing

Alphesda Interactive | Amir
3 min readAug 22, 2023

God is the ultimate business being, and that goodness and righteousness are essential for sustainable success. By aligning our business practices with ethical values and serving the needs of others, we can achieve true flourishing.

When we think of successful business people, we might picture the cutthroat CEO who will do whatever it takes to come out on top. But what if I told you that the ultimate business person is actually God? And that the key to business success is not ruthless competition, but goodness, righteousness, and helping others?

In a world where so many businesses prioritize profit above all else, it can be easy to forget that there are other values that can lead to long-term success. But as it turns out, these values are not just moral imperatives — they’re also smart business strategies.

Consider the idea of referring customers who don’t align with us to our competitors. On the surface, this might seem counterintuitive. Why would we willingly send potential customers away? But think about it: if we refer someone to a competitor who is better suited to meet their needs, that person is more likely to remember us positively and recommend us to others in the future. We might lose a sale in the short term, but we gain something…

